Tao-Lin Tan (譚道璘)

Tao-Lin Tan (譚道璘)

Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University


I’m a PhD student in condensed matter physics, working with Prof. Yi-Ping Huang @ NTHU. My research interests include Tensor Network algorithms, Quantum Computing, Quantum States of Matter, Unsupervised learning.

I’m currently working on a novel phase of matter, called the many-body localization (MBL), with the use of Tensor Network methods. This dynamical phase is away from the equilibuim, with slow diffusion dehaviour. This provides a theoretical material for the quantum memory, and may also improve the coherent time for quantum computing.

Download my resumé as a PDF.


Phison Electronics Corporation
Data Scientist
Phison Electronics Corporation
Jul 2020 – Jul 2021 Zhunan
  • Clustering the data from chip probe (CP), final test (FT) for improving the yield rate.
  • Data preprocessing (ETL).
Commerce Connector GmbH, Asia Limited
Junior Data Engineer
Commerce Connector GmbH, Asia Limited
Jul 2019 – Jun 2020 Taipei
  • Web crawling
  • Backend operation of data (ETL).
  • Anamoly detection of time series.


Institute of Physics, National Chiao Tung Uiversity
M.Sc. in Physics
Institute of Physics, National Chiao Tung Uiversity
Sep 2015 – Jun 2018 Hsinchu
  • Thesis title: Tensor Network Study of the (1+1)-dimensional Thirring Model.
  • Advisor: Prof. C.-J. David Lin
Department of Physics, National Chung Hsing Uiversity
B.Sc. in Physics
Department of Physics, National Chung Hsing Uiversity
Sep 2011 – Jun 2015 Taichung
  • Independent study: Monte Carlo simulation to 2D Ising model with Metropolis sampling.
  • Advisor: Prof. Ming-Chiang Chung


President Fellowship